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Logo featuring the Egyptian goddess Seshat within a golden orb, symbolizing wisdom, record-keeping, and divine inspiration.
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Quantum Transformation
Playful Disruption
A Call to Holographic Entrepreneurs


A new Paradigm: Discover Your Path

Ready to elevate your business beyond the ordinary?


Embrace Timeless Wisdom 

Unleash the Neteru's guidance for extraordinary success.


Cultivate Inner Harmony 

Nurture a business that blossoms with purpose, passion, and prosperity.


Embrace Limitless Possibility 

Transform challenges into triumphs, setbacks into stepping stones, and dreams into reality.


The Neteru Whisperer of Business Transformation

The world sees your success and hears the applause, but only you feel the nagging emptiness. A bolder version of you, a leader capable of shaping realities, flickers beyond reach. It's time to rewrite your story.

I, Ima, am your guide on this journey. As an award-winning filmmaker, best-selling author, cultural diplomat, and cosmopolitan, I've woven storytelling into the very fabric of my being. It's more than a skill; it's a way of transmitting energy, of opening sacred spaces where transformation flourishes.


The Egyptian Neteru, those timeless beings who embody the forces of nature and the human spirit, are my inspiration and guides. Their wisdom whispers through my work, empowering me to facilitate quantum leaps for myself and others.


I've walked alongside hundreds of entrepreneurs and CEOs, witnessing firsthand the power of creative expression, the profound insights of the Akashic Records, and the exhilarating thrill of pushing through thresholds.


My passion lies in healing through creation. My talents—filmmaking, writing, Akashic readings, and mentoring—are a brushstroke on a canvas of transformation. I invite you to join me in this grand masterpiece, where ancient wisdom and modern strategy intertwine, and the impossible becomes possible.

Iman Kamel stands before the seven false doors of the Osiris Temple in Karnak, Egypt, symbolizing a journey of transformation and connection to ancient wisdom.
From the sands of ancient Egypt,
a pearl of wisdom awakens


Visionary Akasha Sessions: Your Cosmic Compass

Imagine a direct line to the universe's wisdom, a sacred space where you consult with the greatest minds and spiritual forces of all time. That's the power of a Visionary Akasha Session. 

In these potent one-on-one sessions, we'll decode the cosmic messages embedded within your soul's blueprint. Discover hidden strengths, dormant talents, and the true purpose that fuels your business. Emerge with crystal-clear guidance, a roadmap illuminated by the Akashic Lords and Guardians, propelling you towards a future where abundance flows effortlessly and your vision manifests with grace.

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Deep Dive DNA Decoding:
Unleash Your Business's Unique Brilliance

Imagine embarking on an expedition, not through ancient ruins or uncharted landscapes, but into the depths of your own entrepreneurial spirit. A journey where whispers of your intuition intertwine with my three decades of expertise in decoding the unseen, revealing the hidden treasure map to your success.

This isn't just about navigating spreadsheets or refining your marketing strategy. This is a Deep Dive, a sacred space where we'll excavate the essence of your being, unearthing the blocks, the patterns, and the whispers of past lives that have shaped your present reality.

Together, we'll:

  • Unleash Your Inner Oracle: Awaken the intuitive wisdom that resides within, guiding you toward clarity, purpose, and aligned action.

  • Transmute Challenges into Gold: Transform obstacles into opportunities, limitations into liberation, and setbacks into stepping stones on the path to your greatness.

  • Rewrite Your Entrepreneurial Code: Shed the shackles of self-doubt and embrace your unique brilliance, creating a business that vibrates with authenticity and joy.

  • Activate Your Inner Child: Reclaim the playful spirit that fuels creativity and innovation, infusing your work with a sense of wonder and limitless possibility.

The Deep Dive Sessions are more than just consultations; they're a sacred initiation into the realm of the Holographic Being. They are an invitation to dance with the Neteru, to embrace your multidimensional nature, and to become the architect of your own destiny.

Deep Dive Sessions:

Where the Unseen Becomes Your Greatest Asset

Quantum Management Mastery:

Where Time Bends and Gardens Bloom


From Seedling to Sequoia:
Nurturing Your Entrepreneurial Eden

Tired of the hustle and bustle? The endless to-do lists? The nagging feeling that your business is controlling you, instead of the other way around? Imagine a world where your entrepreneurial dreams blossom into a vibrant oasis, where time becomes your ally, and success flows effortlessly from your deepest intentions.

In this transformative masterclass, I'll share the secrets I've used to achieve extraordinary results as a solopreneur, even amidst the chaos of everyday life.


Unleash Your Time-Bending Superpowers

  • Master the Quantum Flow: Step into a state of effortless productivity where ideas flow freely and projects manifest with ease.

  • Cultivate Your Calendar Sanctuary: Transform your schedule from a rigid grid into a blossoming garden of possibilities, where every moment is an opportunity for growth and abundance.

  • Color-Code Your Way to Clarity: Banish overwhelm and embrace a system that unlocks your intuition and creativity, guiding you through the entrepreneurial landscape with confidence and grace.

  • Harness the Power of Intention: Plant the seeds of your dreams with laser-sharp focus, and watch them blossom into reality, nurtured by the fertile soil of your unwavering belief.

  • Embrace the Rhythm of Growth: Nurture your business with a gentle hand, balancing intense creation with restorative practices that honor your natural cycles, ensuring sustainable success without burnout.

  • Activate Your Inner Team: Harness the collective genius within, leveraging both ancient wisdom and modern tools to amplify your impact and reach.

  • Bend Time to Your Will: Escape the relentless tick-tock of the clock and discover the quantum flow state, where productivity soars and creative blocks dissolve.


"Ima's approach to workflow and project management for entrepreneurs is nothing short of revolutionary. For 15 years, I struggled to maintain any kind of consistent schedule - it always felt like swimming against the tide. But after just one session with Ima, everything clicked into place.

Her concept of viewing entrepreneurship as a multi-dimensional garden that requires diverse care and attention was a complete game-changer for me. It's not just a new method; it's a whole new paradigm.

I've already implemented her calendar system, and for the first time in my career, I actually look forward to reviewing my schedule each morning. The oppressive to-do lists are gone, replaced by this inspiring vision of tending to my business 'field'.

Ima's work has transformed my daily grind into a fulfilling journey of nurturing and growth. If you're an entrepreneur who's ever felt overwhelmed or stuck, Ima's approach could be the breakthrough you've been seeking."

Jenee Halstead, musician, and host of The Heart Light Sessions PodcastImages for the masterclass


Unleash Your Inner Thoth: 
The Transformative Power of Storytelling
A 3-Day Masterclass to Weave a Tapestry of Influence and Abundance

Master the Art of Storytelling

In the realm of business, your words hold unimaginable power. They're the architects of reality, capable of captivating clients, eclipsing competitors, and weaving a tapestry of success and abundance. Quantum Storytelling Alchemy is your journey into the heart of creation itself.

  • Uncover the ancient Egyptian secrets of captivating storytelling.

  • Feel the pulse of narratives that resonate with your audience, evoking emotions that linger.

  • Explore the timeless principles of story structure, character development, and conflict resolution.

  • Craft compelling tales that inspire and transform.

Engage and Inspire

Discover the art of authentic communication and connect with your audience on a deeper level.

  • Use storytelling to build trust, establish rapport, and inspire action.

  • Whether speaking to a crowd, writing a blog post, or sharing experiences, elevate your communication and leave a lasting impression.

Manifest Your Vision

Tap into the creative energy of the universe and manifest your dreams.

  • Align your personal values with your goals.

  • Craft a compelling vision narrative that sets your soul ablaze.

  • Use storytelling as a tool for self-discovery, healing, and personal growth.

  • Weave a life aligned with your deepest purpose.

Awaken Your Inner Thoth: 
Master the Art of Storytelling and Transform Your Life.
Limited Time Offer: Save 50% with code LAUNCH50!
Ima's Message

Ima's Message

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From Conflict to Creative Power

"I came into the program with a lot of conflicts... I just didn't fit in... But then Ima and the community gave me permission to just be...This unleashed unbridled creativity... a leap in my career...transition from trying to understand the universe to making love with the universe."

—  Nathan Hirschaut

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